Kyrios Relativity III: Kyrios Topology and Metabolic Topology Bundle
Validoral Relativity is a Terrestrial perspective in TrueTime in a seven dimensional reference frame binding two Collati to time beyond Minkowsky’s perspective. The Universe beats 10,000 beats per 1 beat of the universe in 10,000 Ohms where Carbon is 10,000 volts per 1 amp such as with CapischeTime the timing signature of Neurosystems, our minds our brains and where there is a TIME, TIMINNG, TIMING SIGNATURE Wavelength Frequency tensor across 14 Neurosystems in a Decamilligesimal Calculus. Neurosystems vary in a spectrum from Rigatus Basket of Services RBOS minus the complete mechanical system such as the Pestic Neurosystem wand the Kerdic Neurosystem which are Rigatus Energies gwem “to come, to go” unnatural less normal than Enteric and Somatic systems across all of Stage II Life making it foreign or inchoate, or Topology.
There are Real Capacitors Natural Rigatus in storing Q]ubits of information, there are Natural Capacitors with the 5% of the Universe known as Baryon Matter better called Baryon Energy or Electrostable Energy (Kyrios Relativity II) and there are Rigatus Capacitors with 27% of the Universe known as Rigatus Energies that are Lawful, interacts with “forces” including “gravity” better known as Centry Energy., and there are Real Capacitors that are non-zero in Baryon Energy and Rigatus Energy both.
Validoral Relativity is a Terrestrial perspective in TrueTime in a seven dimensional reference frame binding two Collati to time beyond Minkowsky’s perspective. The Universe beats 10,000 beats per 1 beat of the universe in 10,000 Ohms where Carbon is 10,000 volts per 1 amp such as with CapischeTime the timing signature of Neurosystems, our minds our brains and where there is a TIME, TIMINNG, TIMING SIGNATURE Wavelength Frequency tensor across 14 Neurosystems in a Decamilligesimal Calculus. Neurosystems vary in a spectrum from Rigatus Basket of Services RBOS minus the complete mechanical system such as the Pestic Neurosystem wand the Kerdic Neurosystem which are Rigatus Energies gwem “to come, to go” unnatural less normal than Enteric and Somatic systems across all of Stage II Life making it foreign or inchoate, or Topology.
There are Real Capacitors Natural Rigatus in storing Q]ubits of information, there are Natural Capacitors with the 5% of the Universe known as Baryon Matter better called Baryon Energy or Electrostable Energy (Kyrios Relativity II) and there are Rigatus Capacitors with 27% of the Universe known as Rigatus Energies that are Lawful, interacts with “forces” including “gravity” better known as Centry Energy., and there are Real Capacitors that are non-zero in Baryon Energy and Rigatus Energy both.
Validoral Relativity is a Terrestrial perspective in TrueTime in a seven dimensional reference frame binding two Collati to time beyond Minkowsky’s perspective. The Universe beats 10,000 beats per 1 beat of the universe in 10,000 Ohms where Carbon is 10,000 volts per 1 amp such as with CapischeTime the timing signature of Neurosystems, our minds our brains and where there is a TIME, TIMINNG, TIMING SIGNATURE Wavelength Frequency tensor across 14 Neurosystems in a Decamilligesimal Calculus. Neurosystems vary in a spectrum from Rigatus Basket of Services RBOS minus the complete mechanical system such as the Pestic Neurosystem wand the Kerdic Neurosystem which are Rigatus Energies gwem “to come, to go” unnatural less normal than Enteric and Somatic systems across all of Stage II Life making it foreign or inchoate, or Topology.
There are Real Capacitors Natural Rigatus in storing Q]ubits of information, there are Natural Capacitors with the 5% of the Universe known as Baryon Matter better called Baryon Energy or Electrostable Energy (Kyrios Relativity II) and there are Rigatus Capacitors with 27% of the Universe known as Rigatus Energies that are Lawful, interacts with “forces” including “gravity” better known as Centry Energy., and there are Real Capacitors that are non-zero in Baryon Energy and Rigatus Energy both.